Samsung GALAXY S8: Install the NEW Android 9 Interface

Samsung Galaxy S8 can have the new Android 9 interface experience installed right now, here's what a major change you can have for your phone right now.

Samsung Galaxy S8 android 9 interface

Samsung Galaxy S8 is going to have a new interface offered at some point thanks to the update for Android 9 which the Korean company is working on, Samsung Experience 10 being called the update that is being prepared. You can see in the image below what the Korean company is currently testing for the Samsung Galaxy S9, but the users of those phones, as well as the Samsung Galaxy S8, can currently have the entire interface thanks to a theme.

Samsung Galaxy S8 can have the dark theme from Samsung Experience 10 and the design changes for the interface elements thanks to a new theme called PIEforOREO Night Theme. This was created specifically to be used on Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S9, so you should not install it on other phone models, because there is a very high chance that it will be incompatible, and nothing will be even as you can imagine.

Samsung GALAXY S8: Install the NEW Android 9 Interface

Samsung Galaxy S8 will not soon receive the update for Samsung Experience 10 from Android 9, so this new theme is the only solution for those who want this change. You can see in the image below how this theme will look on Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S9 after it will be installed by users, and so you can get an idea of ​​how big the change will be after you install it in your phones.

Samsung Galaxy S8 interface android 9 1

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is a 1 and a half year old phone, and Samsung will not be in a hurry to bring Android 9 to these models, along with all the new features prepared by the Google company. If you are interested in this new theme for Samsung Galaxy S8, then you can download it available here, it can also be used on the Plus model, and in the case of the Samsung Galaxy S9, the same compatibility is valid for its installation.