Here's how many people have DIED so far trying to take a selfie

Selfies have generated a very large number of deaths in recent years globally, with more and more people needlessly putting their lives at risk because of them.

selfie dead people

selfie is a word that entered the vocabulary of people all over the world not too long ago, and that's because before the appearance of front cameras for phones, few people only took pictures with their phones. The appearance of front cameras, and their improvement, has increased the popularity of selfies, but also narcissism, or the need for appreciation.

Between 2011 and 2017, selfies were the cause of the death of 269 people globally, as they tried to take the perfect picture to publish on social networks. We are talking here about deaths by electrocution, drowning, falling, dismemberment of the limbs or the body, and various other terrible ways of dying, but for people selfies mattered more.

Here's how many people have DIED so far trying to take a selfie

Most of the deaths caused by people's desire to take the perfect selfie occurred near high mountain peaks, near lakes, and near tall buildings. The study that discovered this information analyzed deaths all over the world, warnings about the negative effect of selfies have been made for a long time.

"Selfie-related death was defined as any accidental death that occurs while doing self-photography or clicking selfies. Initially, we made an exhaustive list of the English newspapers of various countries using Wikipedia or the Ministry of broadcasting of respective countries. We performed a Google search for keywords such as "selfie deaths; accidental selfie; selfie mortality; self photography deaths; koolfie deaths; mobile death/accidents." The web link addresses of the news from search results were cross-matched with the web links of the list of prepared English newspapers of various countries. The results that did not match were excluded from the study."

Unfortunately, people do not understand that a perfect selfie is not more important than their life, or the lives of those around them, and in some cases tragedies happen in which innocent people die. Having said that, be careful where you take selfies, and protect your life more than you would have the desire to take a perfect selfie, regardless of where you are.