Digi Mobile. Vodafone, Orange, Telekom, HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT from Parliament

Digi Mobile. Vodafone, Orange, Telekom have a very important announcement coming from the Romanian Parliament itself, here is what the parties announced today.

Digi Mobil deputies

Digi Mobil. Vodafone, Orange, Telekom have received a very important announcement from the Parliament, and this proves that there is a great interest in changing what mobile operators to be inconvenient. More precisely, the PNL, USR, PMP and Pro Romania parliamentary groups managed to collect 114 signatures from their deputies to convene an extraordinary session of the Parliament to discuss GEO 114/2018, which, among other things, brings new taxes for Digi Mobil and the rest of the operators.

Digi Mobil. The Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making chamber in this situation, so collecting signatures only from deputies is not accidental, and its president, Liviu Dragnea, will have to call the extraordinary session. This provision is imposed by the constitution, which says that when a third of the number of deputies sign for the initiation of an extraordinary session, it must be done, but here it could be bad news for Digi Mobil and the rest of the companies.

Digi Mobile. Vodafone, Orange, Telekom have the help of the Parliament

Digi Mobil. GEO 114/2018 had to be discussed in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies starting on February 1, and in 28 days a decision had to be made regarding it, otherwise it will be adopted silently, but the extraordinary session shortens this deadline. The PNL has already submitted the request to initiate the extraordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies, and this could take place next week, so Digi Mobil and the other telecom operators have less time to prepare a strategy aimed at convincing the deputies not to confirm orderly.

Raluca Turcan, the leader of the PNL parliamentary group: 114 deputies of the PNL and the opposition parties USR, PMP and non-affiliated parties belonging to ProRomania, signed for the convening of an extraordinary session of the Parliament. Messrs. Dragnea and Tariceanu, away on vacation, did not respond to the PNL request to convene the Parliament in an extraordinary session. Today, I submitted the request and the list of signatures with more than 1/3 of the deputies for the urgent convening of an extraordinary session for: • rejecting the PSD-ALDE Greed Ordinance, the ordinance that threw the leu/euro exchange rate is in the air, which impoverishes the population, blocks credit and drives away investors;• the repeal of the law on compensatory appeals and the emergency stoppage of crimes committed by Tudorel Toader's freedmen who endanger the safety and physical integrity of Romanians day by day;• the debate and adoption of the 2019 state and social security budget, the budget that had to be already applicable to start investments, for predictability in the economic and social environment. PNL collected 114 signatures from PNL, USR, PMP and Pro Romania deputies for convening an extraordinary session. The President of the Chamber of Deputies is obliged to convene an extraordinary session when at least a third of the number of deputies request it! Parliament must come out of recess and offer solutions to the Compensatory Appeal Law which, by releasing 14.000 prisoners, created chaos in all the country. There is not a week in which we do not hear of a major incident involving a prisoner who was released from the provisions of this law. Also, stop the effects of the GEO of Dragnea-Vâlcov-Teodorovici-Dăncilă's greed which pushed the Euro rate to the highest level in history, brought the energy system to collapse, brought Romanian banks to their knees through additional taxes, stopped any investment by communications operators and will produce chain price increases for the population on all bills. Last but not least, the Parliament must receive and debate the State Budget and the State Social Security Budget for 2019. Romania needs a development budget. Careful! Development budget - not a subsistence budget for the Romanians and for the barons' capitulation. If Dragnea closed the door of the private plane and went on vacation, it is his business. However, Dragnea cannot also close the doors of the Parliament, but is obliged, through the signatures of the Opposition, to open the work of the Chamber of Deputies and urgently debate these laws. The agenda we propose for the period January 28-31, 2018 is: 1) Debate and the rejection in the emergency procedure of the draft law for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018 regarding the establishment of some measures in the field of public investments and some fiscal-budgetary measures, the modification and completion of some normative acts and the extension of some deadlines; 2) The debate and adoption in emergency procedure of the following legislative initiatives:- The legislative proposal for the amendment of the Law no. 254/2013 on the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies during the criminal process and for the amendment of Law no. 169/2017 on the amendment and completion of Law no. 254/2013 on the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by the judicial bodies during the criminal process; - The legislative proposal for the repeal of Law no. 169/2017 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 254/2013 regarding the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies during the criminal process, amending and supplementing Law no. 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code, amending Law no.

Published by National Liberal Party on Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Digi Mobil. Considering that everyone complained about the new turnover tax, it is quite certain that now they are collaborating to "lobby" and try to obtain either a modification or a cancellation of it completely. The time is becoming even shorter than it was, but most likely everything is a risk that Digi Mobil and the rest of the companies had in mind, because I can't imagine that the parties that made this initiative did not also discuss with people within these companies.

Digi Mobil. Although this ordinance came as a hard blow to the telecom environment at the end of 2018, the saga continues in 2019, and could have a favorable outcome for the companies.