iOS 12.1.3 vs iOS iOS 12.1.2 - Performance Comparison

iOS 12.1.3 performance

iOS 12.1.3 and iOS 12.1.2 appear today in a comparison that shows us what kind of performance the two versions of the operating system offer for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. As you can see in the video clips below, the performances offered by iOS 12.1.3 and iOS iOS 12.1.2 on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch are almost identical from all points of view.

iOS 12.1.3 it works as well as iOS 12.1.2 in just about anything you do on your iDevices, and that's very good news, because Apple hasn't made the situation worse. In theory, an iPhone 5S should work just as well with iOS 12.1.3 as it did with iOS 12.1.2, so if you've been happy with the performance you've had so far, that won't change.

iOS 12.1.3 it can be installed at the moment on any iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch because the update was released last evening by Apple.