Google. A very important warning was made for everyone by the American company, here's what you need to know right now.

Google warning

Google. The American company made an extremely important warning for users all over the world, and you have to be extremely attentive to it because it targets you at this moment. Google has discovered a zero-day exploit for the Windows operating system, separate from the one for Google Chrome, and has warned the whole world about the fact that they can be used to run unauthorized code on computers without users knowing what is happening. happen.

Google. The engineers of the American company claim that the vulnerability was certainly exploited on Windows 7 together with that of Google Chrome, but it seems that Windows 10 is not vulnerable to the exploit revealed today. Google says that the vulnerability discovered by its engineers allows taking over administrator rights in the operating system, so that any hacker can control the computer and steal data at will, which some are already doing.


Google. The critical vulnerability revealed by the company's engineers has not yet been fixed by those from Microsoft, they are working on solving the problem, but it could take weeks until this could happen. Google recommends Windows 7 users to update to Windows 10 because there the problem would have been fixed by the Microsoft company, and so the operating system finally has some good advertising to convince people to install it.

It is a local privilege escalation in the Windows win32k.sys kernel driver that can be used as a security sandbox escape. The vulnerability is a NULL pointer dereference in win32k!MNGetpItemFromIndex when NtUserMNDragOver() system call is called under specific circumstances. The unpatched Windows vulnerability can still be used to elevate privileges or combined with another browser vulnerability to evade security sandboxes. Microsoft have told us they are working on a fix.

Google. Microsoft only had a week to solve the problem that was discovered by the Mountain View engineers, which is quite a short time, but it is still about Windows 7. It is possible that Microsoft is not in a hurry to solve it this problem to force people to update to Windows 10, which would not be exactly surprising, Americans generally force people to do exactly what they don't want.