Google Maps has launched this function on iOS, Android

Google Maps surprises today with a new function that no one thought it would have on iOS and Android, the application offering a very interesting novelty.

Google Maps events

Google Maps has launched today in beta version a new feature for iOS and Android users around the world, the Google company seeing fit to offer people something that they could use with great success. More precisely, the Google Maps application offers users from all over the world the opportunity to create events directly from its application, something that until now was limited in terms of availability, so the change is a very auspicious one for everyone.

Google Maps allows the creation of public events from the "Contributes" section available within the application, and in the image below you can see what the section looks like through which events can be created on Android. Google Maps offers us the possibility to create events for private or public meetings, and for each of them descriptions of the type of event can be mentioned, they can be integrated into categories, and of course links to certain websites can be placed hate.

Google Maps has launched this function on iOS, Android

Google Maps creation events

Google Maps is not yet complete, and the addition of events could be done with some delay, there are also some problems with adding images separate from the standard ones for the section. Going over these, Google Maps still implements a very important function that allows users to organize events much more easily, and to direct other people to the locations where these important events will take place.

Until now, Google Maps has not allowed ordinary people to create events of this kind that are visible to everyone, but only to companies, so we are talking about a very important function. Imagine that people would use it to organize protest or celebration events, with Google Maps becoming the main resource for locating and directing them, something that other platforms cannot do as easily.