WHEN is Apple Pay LAUNCHING in Romania?

When will Apple Pay be launched in Romania? ING and Banca Transilvania have announced the launch of the system for customers, here is when you will be able to use it in the country.

WHEN Apple Pay is LAUNCHED in Romania

When is Apple Pay launched in Romania ? This question is on everyone's lips after what ING Bank and Banca Transilvania announced the launch of Apple Pay in Romania, a service expected by most iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch users. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not known when Apple Pay will be launched in Romania, and this is because Apple did not allow the banks to communicate a date from which they will make the service available to customers.

Even if we don't know the exact date when Apple Pay will be launched in Romania, we know for sure that Apple's mobile payment system will be offered to ING and Banca Transilvania customers in 2019. It is very possible that we will have to wait quite a while until when Apple Pay is launched in Romania, because there are chances that the mobile payment system will only be available in the second part of this year, the Apple company avoiding to announce when it will offer it, and the banks are not allowed to do it.

WHEN is Apple Pay LAUNCHING in Romania?

When is Apple Pay launched in Romania, will be able to be used from any iPhone, iPad/Apple Watch/Mac for mobile payments at POS, but also for mobile payments in applications, or even websites that have included the system. Probably many of you did not know this, but since Apple Pay is launched in Romania, you will only have to register your bank card in your compatible Apple devices, and then you will be able to make payments anywhere, anytime, including on the Internet.

When is Apple Pay launched in Romania you will be able to give up almost completely bank cards for payments at stores in Romania that have contactless POS, and online, I don't know how many websites in our country will integrate this payment system. The good part is that since Apple Pay is launched in Romania, you will be able to make in-app purchases in applications using the Apple system, and this is because the integration is done automatically by iOS.

When is Apple Pay launched in Romania it remains an unknown for now, but we still have to be happy that the platform is finally available in our country.