Google Maps. Very BAD News for ALL People

Google Maps has some very bad news for all the people who currently use the online map platform, this is how big the problem will be for all of us.

Google Maps ads

Google Maps is the target of a very bad news for all users that came today directly from the Google company, more precisely from one of the financial directors who deals with the American company's products. It seems that Google Maps is one of the Google products that is monetized the least by the company, and this is because until now the number of users of the service has been wanted, but things will change very soon.

Google Maps is going to have ads displayed by the Google company in order to generate even more money from this service, something that is certainly not desired by the users who use the online map platform. It seems that Google Maps is going to be monetized in much the same way as Waze, that is, the ads would be inserted among the searches made by users, at the beginning, various locations will be promoted in the search results.

Google Maps. Very BAD News for ALL People

For example, if you search for a restaurant in Google Maps, advertisements for restaurants or other locations will be included among those displayed, all without spoiling, if possible, the experience of using the application. Google wants to display ads for locations that are close to Google Maps users, so that they are as relevant as possible, and to interact with them, the company is already testing in Waze the best ways to monetize its main platform as well of maps.

We want to be able to highlight things that are around you and surface them nearby to you in a way that's not disrupting your experience. It's very un-targeted, and that's the most effective channel that most people have to convey information to you. There is an opportunity here to do this in a way that's really tailored to the user in the long run.

Google Maps has not been filled with ads yet because Google does not want to scare those who use the platform at the moment, something that can happen very easily if the ads are not thought to be displayed as efficiently as possible. It is very possible that Google Maps will have the ads displayed as soon as possible in the application, but in a simple testing phase, following that everyone will see ads only after the best method of doing this will be found.