Netflix. The function that MAKES you BINGING Plans OVER YOUR HEAD

Netflix. The American company wants to launch a very interesting new feature for the video-on-demand platform, here's how it will turn people's binging plans upside down.

Netflix episodes

Netflix. Attacked from all sides by competitors, the American company is preparing a new function that could upset the plans of many for binging, something that no one thought would ever be offered. More precisely, the Netflix company is currently testing a function that will show users random episodes for various series that are on the platform, something that is currently done in a much smaller way than what is prepared for the future.

Netflix. Unlike the current recommendations, the company wants to show users recommendations for the most popular episodes of various series, and you can see in the image below how it all looks. Basically, people are not recommended to watch an entire series, but only the most popular episode or episodes, according to Netflix statistics, the idea itself being completely new for these types of video-on-demand platforms.

Netflix. Now see recommendations for random episodes

Netflix random episodes

Netflix. The problem with these types of recommendations is that many people will not even understand all the action in the episodes they will watch, and that's because they don't know the story behind certain actions or jokes. Even so, those at Netflix still think that people could discover series that they disregarded until the moment they saw an episode for them, or they could look to disable the functionality completely.

Netflix. At the moment, only the application for Android phones has tested this functionality for users, but most likely the testing will be extended including for the iPhone, or even the desktop version. It is not known when exactly Netflix has been testing this functionality for its customers, nor when it will offer it publicly, so it remains to be seen when, or if, the Americans' plans for news will be implemented.