Huawei, the BIG NEWS EXPECTED by ALL Customers

Huawei. An extremely good news comes today for the Chinese company, here is what is being prepared for solving very big problems.

huawei white house

Huawei. Completely unexpectedly, today the American company has a very important news, which many of its customers have been waiting for a very long time. More precisely, Russell T. Vought, the man who decides the budget of the White House, said that he wants a 2-year postponement of part of the sanctions imposed against those from Huawei, and this because the bans would affect the telecom services provided to the US government.

Huawei. The statement took a lot of people by surprise, and that's because it contradicts everything Donald Trump has said so far, the US president signing the order to sanction the Chinese. Despite a three-month postponement of some sanctions imposed against Huawei, a new postponement is wanted, but here we could only talk about the telecom part, if a wider exception is not given for the company.

Huawei, the BIG NEWS EXPECTED by ALL Customers

Huawei. Today's news comes less than a day after the US finance minister, Steve Mnuchin, said yesterday that Donald Trump would be willing to relax the sanctions he imposed against the Chinese company. The condition for this to happen is based on reaching an agreement with China regarding a favorable trade agreement for both countries, but there would also be certain conditions regarding security measures for products.

The White House's acting budget chief is pressing for parts of the US's Huawei ban to be delayed an additional two years. The ban could dramatically reduce the number of telecom manufacturers capable of supplying services to the government, says Russell T. Vought, the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget. He also says it could disproportionately affect telecom companies that serve rural areas.

Huawei. Practically, after more than a month and a half of torment, the Chinese company seems to finally have some good news regarding the situation it is in, and this could also help with the phones. At the moment, Huawei is struggling to copy everything that was forbidden to it by the presidential order imposed by Donald Trump, but it is hard to say if it will succeed, so it remains to be seen what will happen in the end with its products.

Huawei. I think that in the next few weeks the situation of the Chinese company will start to get better and better, and so it will have the opportunity to launch the products it has been working on for several months.