iOS 13 further expands NFC support on the iPhone

iOS 13 nfc iphone

iOS 13 will be released by the Apple company in the fall of this year, and it seems that it will include extended support for the NFC function, introduced starting with the iPhone 6. Apple limits the NFC functionality in the iPhone for security reasons, but starting with iOS 13 it will offer them developers access to more APIs for applications.

A very good example of the utility of NFC in iOS 13 is the implementation of support for reading tags from identity cards issued in Japan. Citizens will be able to read these identity cards on the iPhone, and they will be able to scan them when they arrive at the machines in the administration institutions to more easily fulfill what they have to do.

iOS 13 nfc iphone identity card

iOS 13 will not be limited to that, because for NFC support will be implemented for even more types of tags, so phones will become much more useful. Unfortunately, what will not be offered is the access for banks that want to allow their customers to make mobile payments with their own applications, but maybe that will come someday.

One of the less heralded features in iOS 13 is its broader support for NFC functionality, which first came to the iPhone alongside Apple Pay in 2014 but hasn't seen the same diversity of use cases as are commonplace on Android. iPhones running iOS 13 will be able to scan a wider variety of NFC tags, including those commonly found in official documentation, and one of the first examples will be Japan's national identity cards.