Huawei. The boycott started against the Chinese company is expanding, and the problems are growing more and more for the Chinese, this is how serious the situation is.

Huawei boycott

Huawei. The boycott started against the Chinese company is expanding rapidly, and this is generating new and bigger problems for the Chinese, which shows us that the measures taken by the USA have the effects desired by Trump. Many companies in the US have announced to their employees that they do not have to enter into discussions with Huawei regarding the technologies that are used for equipment, or various products, that use 5G technologies, which is a very hard blow.

Huawei. The ban applies to both formal and informal discussions, employees being prohibited from having any kind of discussions with Chinese employees, at least about technology. ARM was the first company that I found out that prohibited its employees from having discussions with Huawei engineers regarding the technologies used for the processors in the phones, but now the boycott extends to other important technologies for them.


Huawei. Intel and Qualcomm are among the companies that have banned their employees from talking to the Chinese about the technologies that are used in their products, but there are certainly other companies involved. The sanctions imposed by the US presidential administration have a much greater impact than initially thought, and Huawei is very seriously affected because of them, and the situation will not change for the better any time soon.

Several major technology firms, including Intel and Qualcomm, have reportedly told staff to cease informal discussions with Huawei over 5G standards in a bid to comply with a recent US government ruling.

Huawei. Since it has forbidden access to certain technologies, and its engineers can no longer discuss with those of other IT companies they used to collaborate with, the Chinese are now trying to copy American technologies as fast as they can. Over 10.000 Huawei engineers work 24 hours a day to copy American technologies, and within the company there is a great emphasis on copying everything that has been lost as quickly as possible, so that new products can be launched .

Huawei. Unfortunately for the Chinese, all these sanctions will affect the competition on the smartphone market, but also the innovations, because, we have to admit, they seriously contributed to forcing Apple and Samsung to bring news for phones.