SERIOUS DISEASE Generated by the Constant Use of Telephones

serious illness phones

The serious disease that you probably didn't know about, and that affects a lot of people who use it constantly phones in everyday life, it should scare you. We are talking about a problem that affects a lot of people who use their phones too much, but of course they don't know about it, because it involves the appearance of "horns" on the back of the head.

Because of the bad posture in which they use their mobile phones in everyday life, people grow these "horns" in the area where the spine and the head meet. This conclusion was reached after analyzing several hundred x-rays taken of people who used the phones too often, they appeared because of the bad position of the head while using the phones.

Basically, instead of growing people's humps, they grow these "horns", or bony excesses, which in X-rays look like a kind of "horns" and generate concern. The only solution to avoid their occurrence is the less frequent use of mobile phones, or their use without always sitting with the head pointing down.

"The spurs form as pressure is exerted on the neck and spine when looking down at a smartphone. The bump is a sign of sustained terrible posture, which can be corrected quite simply. You may say it looks like a bird's beak, a horn, a hook. While the spurs don't protrude from the head, they can be felt in some cases. Researchers hypothesized that the "horns" form as young people hunch down to use their mobile devices. The pressure this creates on the back of the neck and the head, they note, is three to five times higher than merely sitting up straight."