Yandex was SPART by NSA, GCHQ Affiliated Hackers

yandex hack nsa gchq

Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia, and a very large competitor of Google in the region, was hacked last year by hackers affiliated with the NSA, GCHQ, maybe even the CIA. The connection between the hack and the security/information agencies in the USA and Great Britain was made because a malware used by them was used against Yandex.

Yandex was the victim of a cyber attack carried out in 2018 by hackers affiliated with the NSA and GCHQ, who used malware similar to the one used in an attack on a Belgian telecom operator. Then it was discovered that the NSA and GCHQ were behind the hackers who attacked the telecommunications operator, and in the case of Yandex it would be about the same thing.

Yandex it is very important for Russia because it contains information about everything that Russians are looking for on the Internet, and not only that, the company being involved in many fields of activity. Yango, recently launched in Romania, also belongs to Yandex, so the interest of the NSA and GCHQ in the company's secrets is natural.

"Hackers working for Western intelligence agencies broke into Russian internet search company Yandex in late 2018 deploying a rare type of malware, named Reign, in an attempt to spy on user accounts. Reports by The Intercept, in partnership with a Dutch and Belgian newspaper, tied an earlier version of Regin to a hack at Belgian telecom firm Belgacom in 2013 and said British spy agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the NSA were responsible."