iPhone 11, XR 2019: The first SKETCHES from the Production Lines

iPhone 11, XR 2019, are revealed today in new images that show us sketches based on which the phones are produced within the Apple company.

iphone 11 xr sketches 2019

iPhone 11, XR 2019, have today revealed new images with the sketches based on which they will be produced by Apple's partners, and you can see that we are talking about almost everything we learned from various previous rumors. Specifically, we can see that both iPhone 11 and iPhone XR 2019 will have that new camera included in a square frame, which looks ugly, but we'd better get used to this new design, because it won't disappear soon.

iPhone 11, iPhone XR 2019, will have very similar designs in every way, in contrast to what we saw last year for the iPhone XS and iPhone XR series, which had different camera designs. Apple does not want to differentiate iPhone 11 and iPhone XR 2019 in this way this year, so the phones will look more or less the same, but will have different sizes, which is perfectly normal.

iPhone 11, XR 2019: The first SKETCHES from the Production Lines

iphone 11 xr sketches 2019 image

iPhone 11, if in terms of design things will not be different, neither in terms of internal components will things be that much different between the two series of phones. iPhone 11 and iPhone XR 2019 will have cameras with the same image sensors, but the number will be different, theoretically, they will have the same processors, the same storage media, but probably different amounts of RAM memory, which we have also seen this year in phones .

iphone 11 sketches xr 2019 photo

iPhone 11 it would also have special functions for the cameras, which in the case of the iPhone XR 2019 we will not see because these models only have a dual camera instead of the triple one. There needs to be differences of this kind between the iPhone 11 and the iPhone XR 2019, apart from the battery, so that the difference in the prices of the two models can be justified in one way or another for the customers who want to buy them.

iPhone 11, iPhone XR 2019, will be presented by the Apple company in September, and the launch should also take place then, at least based on the experience with the company's recent launches.