iPhone XR users have NO IDEA what phone model they have

iphone xr phone model

Many of the Apple customers who bought iPhone XR I don't really know exactly what phone model I have, according to a new study published today in the USA. According to this study, conducted on 2000 phone users, only 44% of those who own an iPhone XR or iPhone 7 know exactly which phone model they have.

Samsung GALAXY S9 Plus phone users were the only ones who correctly identified the phone they bought after launch. Going further, only 14% of iPhone X or iPhone XR phone owners knew that their phones have NFC, and that's because Apple doesn't allow its use much.

iphone model identification

Moreover, the users of the same phone models did not know that they are water resistant with IP67 or IP68 certifications, although Apple promoted this. In the end, AT&T messed up everything iPhone users knew, the operator's lies about 5Ge made people believe that their phones are compatible with 5G networks, although this is not true.

iphone compatible 5g