Supermarkets in ROMANIA where you can PAY with PRINT

Supermarkets in Romania where you can pay with your fingerprint show that our country can also implement technological innovations from more developed countries.

Romania supermarket fingerprint payment
Supermarkets in ROMANIA where you can PAY with PRINT

The first supermarkets in Romania where you can pay only with your fingerprint show us that innovative technologies are starting to reach our country as well. Although in other countries there have been fingerprint payment systems for several years, here they are reaching us, after we finally had houses where we can scan the products for purchase by ourselves.

Auchan are the supermarkets where you can pay for purchases with your fingerprint, three of the locations having integrated this system at the moment for customers. To pay with your fingerprint at a store where you scan the products yourself, you must first register in an application for Android phones.

Fingerprint payment at the supermarket arrives in Romania, but how useful is it?

In that application you will have to insert the card and register your fingerprint, and only then can you pay for purchases with your fingerprint directly in the Auchan supermarkets in Bucharest. The process itself is not very simple, it is easier to pay with a card or with Apple Pay, ING Pay, BT Pay, etc., but Auchan offers separate houses for this system, and they are free, because no one uses it.

Paying with your fingerprint at the supermarket is not a bad idea, if you are a loyal customer of that supermarket, and the priority house is definitely an attractive reason to use it. Apart from that, paying with your fingerprint at the supermarket is not necessarily better or simpler than paying with your phone, especially since your fingerprint goes to the servers of a third party company to be recognized in stores.