Samsung GALAXY S9. The AMAZING announcement made by the POLICE

Samsung GALAXY S9. An astonishing announcement was made about the police regarding the phones of the Korean company, here is what the agents will do with them soon.

Samsung GALAXY S9 police

Samsung GALAXY S9. The mobile phone launched by the Samsung company in 2018 has an amazing announcement from the police, and this could be the beginning of a major change for the way mobile phones are used.

More specifically, the police in Kit Carson, Burlington, Colorado, announced that they will equip their agents with Samsung GALAXY S9 phones that will be placed under their vests, as you can see from the image below.

Samsung GALAXY S9. The phones are going to offer the agents a second method of communication with the dispatcher to ask for help, or to find out information about cars/people in the moments when the stations have no signal.

Apart from that, the Samsung GALAXY S9 phones will work as cameras to record everything the agents do, including when it comes to collecting evidence from the places where crimes were committed, so they have a multiple role.

Samsung GALAXY S9. The STUNNING announcement made by the Police

Samsung GALAXY S9 police camera

Samsung GALAXY S9. This is also the first Korean product that is certified for AT&T's FirstNet network, and here we are talking about a priority GSM network that allows faster communications between the police, and not only that.

The police also say that the battery in the Samsung GALAXY S9 should keep the phone in operation for at least one shift of the agents, so they should be able to use them without problems while doing their duty in the field.

"Our Sheriff's Office's small team of patrol deputies cover over 2,000 square miles of ground in our county, which means they're always on the move. With Samsung devices connected to the FirstNet dedicated public safety communications platform, the body camera footage captured via Visual Labs uploads automatically. Our officers don't have to take any extra steps to connect—everything is streamlined."

Samsung GALAXY S9. The interesting thing is that a software is installed on the phones that will allow you to view in real time the images taken from the phone cameras, so the policemen will also be monitored by the bosses.

This is the first time that the police in any country use these Samsung phone models for the missions that the agents do, and it will be interesting to see if we will find out information about how the program will proceed.