Windows 10 Can BE BREAKED EASILY because of this PROBLEM

Windows 10 can be hacked very easily because of a very serious problem that has not yet been solved for Microsoft's operating system.

Windows 10 Can BE BREAKED EASILY because of this PROBLEM

Windows 10 it can be hacked very easily by hackers because of a very big problem that was discovered in one of the important operating system applications for computers all over the world. More precisely, we are talking about the Notepad application in Windows 10, which can be exploited by hackers to run unsigned code, and take total control over a computer to do absolutely anything they want with it.

Windows 10 has this very serious problem revealed by Google researchers from the project Zero team, and the Microsoft company was alerted quite some time ago regarding its existence. The hack that can be directed against Windows 10 computer users allows controlling all the processes of the operating system, and the problems extend to Windows XP, so a lot of people are affected.

Windows 10 Can BE BREAKED EASILY because of this PROBLEM

Windows 10 it has a problem in the framewor for Text Sevices, i.e. the process that oversees everything we write when we use computers, so an extremely important component. A component of this system, called CTextFramework, is the one that can be exploited for a hacker to take total control over Windows 10, its security protocols being very easily removed, unfortunately.

“It will come as no surprise that this complex, obscure legacy protocol is riddled with memory corruption vulnerabilities. Many of the objects of the Trusted Object Component simply trust you to point large pointers in the advanced local procedure call port and there is minimal bounds checking or integer reload checking."

Windows 10 has this problem "inherited" from previous versions of the operating system, and it is amazing that until now the Microsoft company has not managed to discover it in order to close it and protect us. The American company has announced that it will block it in Windows 10, and the previous versions that have support, in a new security update that will most likely be released next Tuesday, so we still have to wait until the problem is solved.

Windows 10 unfortunately, it has a lot of problems discovered recently, and the Microsoft company doesn't seem to be able to solve anything, which raises a lot of question marks for many people.