Milky way. The DISTURBING announcement that SCARED the Internet

Milky way. An alarming announcement scared the whole internet, here's what a very important discovery researchers have made regarding our galaxy.

Milky way. A worrying announcement came today regarding the galaxy we are part of, and this following a very important discovery made by researchers following very long analyses. According to researchers, the Milky Way is currently on a trajectory that will lead it to a direct collision with another galaxy named Andromeda, and according to researchers, the impact between the two galaxies is certain.

Milky way. At the moment, our galaxy is 2.5 million light-years away from Andromeda, but their gravitational forces are so strong that they are pulling towards each other. Practically, a collision between them is more than certain, and the result will be devastating for many planets and stars in the Milky Way, but also in Andromeda, the Earth could also be severely affected when this happens.

Milky way. The DISTURBING announcement that SCARED the Internet

Milky way. The good part about this situation is that the moment when the two galaxies will collide is still very far away, 3.75 billion years away, so none of us will live the event. Andromeda is approaching the Milky Way with a speed that is 2000 times higher, but nevertheless, the very large distance between them makes the event to be at a very distant moment in time, but many people were still scared.

“The Milky Way is destined to undergo a major transformation during the encounter, which is supposed to happen four billion years ago. It is likely that the Sun will be thrown into a new region of our galaxy, but the Earth and our solar system are not in danger of being destroyed. Although Andromeda is approaching us more than 2.000 times faster, it will be four billion years before the strike.”

Milky way. The researchers say that, theoretically, this collision should not have a catastrophic effect, and the planets and stars should only change their places in the galaxies, but anything could happen in situations like this. Even if the Earth, for example, were not destroyed, its possible movement through the universe could give rise to natural disasters that could kill many people, and it would move to another area of ​​the Milky Way.

Milky way. That being said, our galaxy will merge with Andromeda in 3.75 billion years, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop this event.