Milky way. An astonishing video clip has blocked the entire internet and shows us once again how surprising is the universe in which we all live now.

Milky way. An amazing video clip was recorded for the galaxy we are a part of, and it blocked the entire internet thanks to the completely surprising images it presents to us today. You can see in the video clip above a recording that reveals how the Earth rotates through the Milky Way every day, but also what is the perspective from which we see things in relation to the way the planet moves through cosmic space.

Milky way. The video clip recorded by a photographer specialized in shooting the starry sky contains a timelapse which is composed of pictures recorded every 12 seconds for 3 hours. Thanks to this timelapse, we have the opportunity to see how the Earth rotates through the Milky Way every day, and how the perspective from which we look at all the stars that are part of our galaxy changes, the presentation being amazing.


Milky way. The idea that the photographer had is an extremely interesting one, and this is because it shows us the galaxy from a perspective that we will not normally see in our lives. Thanks to this recording with the Milky Way, you can get a pretty clear picture of how astronomers see the way the earth moves, and that's how they can calculate the distances between the stars, and other important things.

Milky way. The earth rotates at a speed of 1600 kilometers per hour, but because we have such a large planet and a galaxy with stars so far away, their movements in the sky are much slower. What we see above represents only part of the movement made by the Earth in the Milky Way in one night, but the researchers see much slower timelapses, which also show how the Earth moves through the universe throughout the year.

Milky way. Having said that, thanks to videos like this we have the opportunity to see more clearly what is happening in the vast universe of which we are a part.