112. New SHOCKING CASE, a BEATEN Woman is INSULTED by an Operator (VIDEO)

112 enters a new shocking scandal after a woman and a child beaten by a man in a bus station were offended by the 112 operator who took the call.

Emergency service 112 is again at the center of a scandal after a child and a woman beaten by a minibus driver were offended by the operator who took the call, and ignored by the policeman connected to him. Above you have the conversation held by the woman who called 112 to ask for help, and below you have the incident itself, in which a man effectively breaks a broomstick while hitting the woman, as well as the baby she was holding in arms.

It is not known what started the incident between the two people, but the attitude of the 112 service operator shows that the people who work there should be sent somewhere else. The incident happened on April 25, but it only came to light now, and of course the police say that they were not involved in the incident, although in the 112 conversation, the voice of a dispatcher answering the call can be clearly heard.

112. New SHOCKING CASE, a BEATEN Woman is INSULTED by an Operator (VIDEO)

Although the local press publicized the incident then, mainly thanks to the recording above, the authorities denied that 112 had been called, and the police lied and said that they were not involved. Even if a second woman called 112 and supported the story of the young woman being beaten, the authorities continued to deny it, and STS provided her with the registration only after an NGO helped her request it from the institution.

Only when STS was contacted by the media from Bucharest, which also had the recording, was the measure taken to suspend the operator who answered the call, more than 4 months after the incident. STS did not explain why it took so long before taking measures, but the attitude of the 112 operator started from the fact that the woman who had called was of Roma ethnicity, so racism led to this kind of situation , even if a child was hit.

In a normal country, things like this shouldn't happen, but only a month after we saw that the 112 operators were useless in Caracal, we also found out that the same thing was true in Zalau 4 months ago.