Android 10. GREAT feature taken from iPhone XS and Improved

Android 10. A great new function was implemented by Google, it was taken over from the iPhone XS, but improved for phones.

Android 10. GREAT feature taken from iPhone XS and Improved

Android 10. An extremely interesting new function is implemented by the Google company for its phones, it has been implemented in the iPhone X and iPhone XS for some time, even by Samsung, but it is improved. More precisely, in Android 10 a new function was implemented that is meant to tell users if the USB port has dirt or liquids inside it, automatically disabling it and displaying a notification.

Android 10. The function is called "Contamination detection", and to detect possible liquids or fragments of objects inside the USB-C port, the operating system uses the phone's sensors. Those from Apple have included in the iPhone X a function that detects the presence of liquids in the Lightning port, but not other fragments of objects, so Android 10 seems to go a little further with an apparently more advanced detection system.

Android 10. GREAT feature taken from iPhone XS and Improved

Android 10. GREAT feature taken from iPhone XS and Improved port
The new function in Android 10 that protects the ports of the phones.

Android 10. You can see in the image above how the alert is displayed for those who put their phones in danger if they charge them even though they have liquids or fragments of objects inside them. Of course, there is the option to disable the alert and reactivate the charging port, Android 10 offering this option because it is possible that sometimes it is an erroneous detection of the possible presence of liquids in the charging port.

Android 10. The same thing has existed since iOS 10 for iPhone X, but it seems that Google has thought things through a bit better for its phones, but it is not excluded that in iPhone 11 Apple will implement something more advanced. Android 10 brings this functionality as standard for the first time, until now it was offered by Samsung to protect its users, but it seems that all manufacturers will be able to do it from 2019.

Android 10. It is not excluded that the existing phones will also benefit from this functionality, not only the new ones, so it remains to be seen what the manufacturers will decide to do for them.