Facebook. 419 MILLION People's Phone Numbers Published

Facebook. The phone numbers of 419 million people were revealed in a database that could be accessed by anyone, that's how serious the problem is.

Facebook. 419 MILLION People's Phone Numbers Published

Facebook. The American company has a huge new problem due to which 419 million phone numbers of its users were exposed to the entire Internet for a long period of time. All the data was on a server that was not password protected, so anyone who knew of its existence could access the phone numbers of the 419 million users of the Facebook social network, over a quarter of them being from the US alone.

Facebook. Of course, those phone numbers were linked to the unique ID within the social network that allowed the identification of the person who uploaded that phone number. Although the people from Facebook blocked a year ago the possibility to see the phone number of a person, or to search their database, this database still had the data of a quarter of all users of the social network .

Facebook. 419 MILLION People's Phone Numbers Published

Facebook. 419 MILLION People's Phone Numbers Published

Facebook. Apart from the phone numbers, some of the information in that database contained details about the gender of the users, or the country from which they use the respective social network account. Those from Facebook stated that the data recorded in that database would be older than 1 year, but in the vast majority of cases they are most likely real, because people do not change their phone numbers too often.

"Hundreds of millions of phone numbers linked to Facebook accounts have been found online. The exposed server contained more than 419 million records in multiple user databases across geographies, including 133 million US Facebook user records, 18 million United States user records, and more than 50 million others of records on users in Vietnam.”

Facebook. 2018 was a year with a lot of scandals for the American company, and in 2019 things continued, although in a smaller way, but now a new major scandal hits the company. Unfortunately for everyone, those at Facebook simply cannot protect the large amount of data they have, or more than likely they don't want to, because they also want to make money from this information.

Facebook. The American company will never succeed in protecting the information we provide, and we must be 100% aware of this, no matter what lies the Americans tell.