Planet Mars. NASA Astronauts Tell Us WHAT Life Will Be Like There

Planet Mars. NASA astronauts tell us what life will be like there after they finally arrive, here are the dangers they are exposed to on the way, but also after they arrive.

Planet Mars. NASA Astronauts Tell Us WHAT Life Will Be Like There

Planet Mars. NASA intends to send some astronauts to the red planet during the next decade, but only after it succeeds in making new landings and colonizing the MOON, in order to send people there. Before the first astronauts arrive on the planet Mars, here are the people from NASA providing the first details regarding the expectations they have regarding what life will be like after they finally arrive there after 2030.

Planet Mars. NASA astronauts say that the problems are based on the fact that the atmosphere there has only 1% of the density of that on Earth, but also that it is made up of 95% of carbon dioxide. Moreover, there is no magnetic field on the planet Mars, so the dangerous radiations coming from space are not absorbed, and to these we add the extremely low temperatures, plus the strong storms that occur constantly.

Planet Mars. NASA Astronauts Tell Us WHAT Life Will Be Like There

Planet Mars. Even during the journey to the red planet, NASA astronauts will have to endure very high levels of radiation, both from the solar winds and from other bodies in the universe. NASA is already working on new types of spaceships and suits for astronauts to protect them from radiation both on the way to Mars and after they get there, a very high level of protection being necessary for astronauts.

"Once we move outside the Van Allen belts - the magnetic field around our earth - then we are exposed to much higher forms of energy radiation. We also have Galactic Cosmic Solar Wind Radiation. And the real ones wreaked havoc on biology. Surviving on Mars really means going underground. So possibly identifying lava tubes to create our own thick-walled structures, but using the Martian surface.”

Planet Mars. NASA astronauts believe that the simplest method to survive there is to build underground, in areas where there is a higher temperature, and people could be protected from radiation. Of course, the discovery of water under the surface on the planet Mars would help a lot, as would the existence of areas where you could breathe without astronaut suits, but it is possible that this will not happen.

Planet Mars. Surviving there involves a lot of work on the part of NASA, and on the surface it is improbable to be able to stay for too long, even in a spaceship, so it remains to be seen what solutions will be found.