The first Samsung GALAXY Fold BROKEN Shows that the Problems are not Solved

Samsung GALAXY Fold was released in a revised version by the Samsung company last week, but a first broken screen shows that the problems have not disappeared.

Samsung GALAXY Fold screen BROKEN

Samsung GALAXY Fold it was released in a revised version by Samsung last week, and journalists started receiving new review units of the foldable phone. Unfortunately, the problems for the Samsung GALAXY Fold have not disappeared, so even the revised units have the same problems as the ones from spring, which were withdrawn because they had screens that could be damaged very easily, things remain the same.

Samsung GALAXY Fold has some changes made for the screen and has the surface under the screen better protected, but at least one American journalist was left with a broken screen after only one day of use. It is interesting that the journalist who is now left with a broken Samsung GALAXY Fold after a day of use, had no problem with the initial version, which broke very quickly with other journalists, so the situation itself is very unusual.

The first Samsung GALAXY Fold BROKEN Shows that the Problems are not Solved

Samsung GALAXY Fold screen BROKEN pixels
The first Samsung GALAXY Fold reviewed, with a broken screen.

The Samsung GALAXY Fold suddenly started displaying a series of dead pixels on the screen of the review unit that was sent to this journalist, and all apparently without him doing anything unusual. Samsung took the unit to analyze it and see what exactly caused this Samsung GALAXY Fold screen defect, but no matter what it finds, it will no longer be able to make changes to the phones it already delivers to some customers.

The Samsung GALAXY Fold proved to be extremely popular in South Korea, with many orders being placed for the phones there, but things are not quite so good for the units. It is very possible that some of those who buy the Samsung GALAXY Fold for 2000 euros will start complaining about problems of this kind, and then the biggest problems for the company will really appear.

Samsung GALAXY Fold was supposed to be the great innovation in the smartphone field, but unfortunately we see that for now the folding phone idea still needs finishing, and it's a shame that things are not going in a good direction.


  1. Aia “tampiti” macar sunt platiti?
    Stiu ca pe vremuri QA era platit. Probabil samsung pentru profit,a renuntat la testerii interni
    Acuma nu degeaba au trecut partea de testare pe public si pe banii utilizatorilor
    Asta face si apple de multi ani cu dezvoltatorii si acum si cu public beta pentru iOs,macOS etc etc

  2. Inovatie, da. Ceva nou si cool, da. Degeaba, atata timp cat acest nou si cool nu e gata pt utilizare. Ecranul ala din plastic, de se zgarie si de la unghii e degeaba…

  3. Ba este viitorul . Fold o sa iunlocuiasca cu succes capace de WC cu diagonale mari ,, ca ecran nu face fata este cu totul altceva ,, treaba e alta , Samsung greseste ca da tampitilor aia sa testeze in loc sa testeze in propria gradina pana gasesc o rezolvare .

  4. Aia “tampiti” macar sunt platiti?
    Stiu ca pe vremuri QA era platit. Probabil samsung pentru profit,a renuntat la testerii interni
    Acuma nu degeaba au trecut partea de testare pe public si pe banii utilizatorilor
    Asta face si apple de multi ani cu dezvoltatorii si acum si cu public beta pentru iOs,macOS etc etc

  5. Daca ecranul lui Fold avea o rezistenta buna de la prima versiune il slaveam toti acum , si pe buna dreptate , de ce sa nu fie inlocuitorul tabletelor gigant unde se stie si e dovedit cat de greu sunt de utilizat si transportat in spatii deschise . Pliabilele sunt precum lentilele fotocromatice , bune in interior si excelente la exterior .
    Clar eu sustin ideea , treaba este sa vina cu un ecran rezistent .