Apple Watch saved the life of a seriously injured man

Apple Watch saved the life of a seriously injured man

Apple Watch he saved the life of a man who suffered a very serious accident after falling into a chasm and hitting the stones at the bottom of a river. The man was left with a broken back as a result of the fall, and his Apple Watch called the 911 emergency service by itself after detecting the fall, and the man was also located by the authorities.

The man fell into the abyss during a hike he was doing with his girlfriend, but due to the fact that it was dark, he could not see where he was going. Both the man and his girlfriend fell from a serious height, but only he was seriously injured, having his back broken in three places.

The man and his girlfriend were rescued by the authorities who took them in a boat and transported them to a hospital, where he received the medical care he needed. Interestingly, the function that automatically called the emergency service is normally disabled for people his age, 28, but he activated it manually.

"A New Jersey man and his girlfriend, who fell off a cliff while hiking, were saved after their Apple Watch called 911. James Prudenciano suffered three broken backs from the fall, which was automatically detected by the Apple Watch."

If you have an Apple Watch, you should manually activate the function that detects falls, because it is very possible that it will save your life someday.