Google Chrome: ATTENTION, MAJOR WARNING Issued by Google

Google Chrome has a new major warning released by the Google company for users around the world, here is the danger for everyone.

Google Chrome ATTENTION WARNING Issued by Google

Google Chrome has a very important warning issued by the Google company for users all over the world, and this is because they managed to solve an extremely serious problem of the browser. More precisely, an update was released for Google Chrome by Google engineers, and within it two zero-day vulnerabilities were resolved, that is, two that were not known to the Americans before releasing version 78 for everyone.

Google Chrome now has version 78.0.3904.87 available for people all over the world, and everyone needs to install the update because otherwise they remain vulnerable to the exploits that exist for the previous version. Both exploits mentioned by Google engineers for the Google Chrome browser also brought rewards for those who reported them, one worth 7500 dollars, the other not having the determined value.

Google Chrome: ATTENTION, MAJOR WARNING Issued by Google

Google Chrome has at least one of the new vulnerabilities exploited by hackers at the moment, which makes it all the more dangerous, so the upgrade recommendation is all the more important. The most important vulnerability of the two that affects Google Chrome is related to the playback of audio content, which means that if you listen to any kind of audio content on the Internet, you risk being vulnerable to these big problems.

Google Chrome seems to have had this vulnerability exploited including by a team of hackers belonging to a government intelligence agency, so it is already being used for malicious purposes against people. It seems that the vulnerability was initially discovered somewhere around March, but reported quite late to those from Google, so that's why a solution for it was not implemented in the previous version of Google Chrome.

Google Chrome can be updated to the latest version through the About menu in the settings section, the update being installed automatically for everyone from the moment that section is accessed.