Windows 10 has a New Frustrating PROBLEM for ALL Users

Windows 10 has a very frustrating new problem for some of the users who currently use the operating system on their own computers.

Windows 10 FRUSTRATING PROBLEM installation

Windows 10 continues to be problematic for users all over the world, and this despite the fact that Microsoft keeps promising to provide a very good user experience for everyone. More precisely, version 1903 of Windows 10 has a very serious problem that prevents in certain cases from setting up a computer after installing the operating system, and so many people complained until now that Microsoft has officially recognized it.

Windows 10 displays an error message like "Something went wrong. But you can try again. MSA.", a button with the mention "Try again" being displayed in the lower part of the interface through which the operating system can be installed. At the moment it seems that only version 1903 of Windows 10 is the one that has such big problems with the setting system after installing the OS, and when that error message appears, the process has to be restarted from the beginning.

Windows 10 has a New Frustrating PROBLEM for ALL Users

Windows 10 FRUSTRATING PROBLEM computer installation

Windows 10 also offers a possible solution for those who are affected by what is happening at the moment, but claims that any kind of data from PCs should be saved beforehand. Restarting the computer seems to be the only solution to get rid of this problem in Windows 10 for most people, but of course everything should work without problems from the very beginning without the need for solutions of this kind to use the computers.

Windows 10 doesn't have very many computers affected by this problem since not everyone resets their operating system constantly anyway, so not everyone is complaining about what's happening now. The good part is that Microsoft has announced that it will solve this problem of Windows 10 in the near future, but for that another update will be needed that those from Redmond will release in the not too distant future.