The AMAZING image of Planet Mars published by NASA

The planet Mars has a new stunning image published by NASA to show us another important phenomenon that takes place there without us knowing.

The AMAZING image Planet Mars published by NASA

Planet Mars is the focus of the whole world's attention after a stunning image was published for the first time by those from NASA, and it shows us something we have not seen before from this distant celestial body. NASA managed to use a supercomputer, and images taken from the robot Curiosity that walks on the planet Mars, to create an animated image with the movements of the clouds, something we have never seen before.

The planet Mars is an extremely complex place, but also very difficult to explore, so this image finally shows us something that NASA could not create for the general public very easily despite all the data collected so far. If you have ever imagined that there are no clouds on the planet Mars, well you should look very carefully at the image above, which shows you a completely different reality regarding what is happening there now.

The AMAZING image of Planet Mars published by NASA

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Simulation of cloud movements on the planet Mars.

In the image above, the planet Mars has a series of clouds that form during a summer night near the equator of the celestial body, reaching the highest density near sunrise. As the planet Mars heats up, those clouds disappear from the atmosphere, but they start to form again as night approaches, and the process is repeated endlessly during this period, as it sometimes happens on Earth.

The planet Mars does not have clouds as dense as those on Earth, but even so, they have a serious impact on the way the wind moves on the surface of the celestial body, and this also controls the water movements there. The Curiosity robot took a lot of data until such an image could be created for the planet Mars, but of course a supercomputer was needed so that an image could be created and published for ordinary people.

The planet Mars is one of the most complex environments that has been explored so far by NASA, and it is certain that much more data is needed to understand what is happening there.