European parliamentarians CRITICIZE Apple, here's what they ask the company

European parliamentarians CRITICIZE Apple, here's what they ask the company

European parliamentarians join a very large number of entities and individuals who have decided to criticize the Apple company for what it did in Ukraine. More precisely, those from Apple decided to display Crimea as part of Russia for Apple Maps in Russia, and this upset many Europeans.

Apple has been heavily criticized in the last two weeks for this change made just to please the Russian rulers. After criticism from a lot of people, those from Apple have now entered the sights of European parliamentarians, who are asking the Americans not to put profit before international law.

15 European parliamentarians have sent an open letter to Apple asking them to change the way they display Crimea in Apple Maps. European parliamentarians want Apple not to recognize the annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia, and to start displaying the territory as part of Ukraine, again.

Apple will have a very difficult decision to make in the coming weeks, the Americans saying that they will reanalyze the change they made. the chances that Apple will return to better thoughts regarding Crimea are small, and this for Russia threatens it with sanctions if it does not do as it wants.