Windows 10: ALERT for Computers, SERIOUS PROBLEM Announced

Windows 10 has a new very important alert issued for computers, here is the new serious problem that has been discovered for everyone, unfortunately.

Windows 10 has some very serious new problems even after the November 2019 Update was released, and this time we are talking about something that directly involves the entire Microsoft company and what it produces. More precisely, it seems that Windows 10 is the target of a new malware attack, and a software called Snatch is used to attack both ordinary people and companies that use this operating system model now.

Windows 10 has an extremely serious problem with this malware because it was recently modified to remove the security measures that Microsoft implemented in their PC operating system. This new malware was designed so that immediately after infection it restarts any kind of computer with Windows 10 in Safe Mode to take full control over the computer without the security measures being active.

Windows 10: ALERT for Computers, SERIOUS PROBLEM Announced

Windows 10 does not run in Safe Mode neither antivirus applications, nor other applications that companies use to protect their networks from malware or other viruses, so the computer is completely infected, quickly. Everything is thought in such a way that the infections are done so that the Windows 10 user can do absolutely nothing to protect himself, so he will only see how the computer restarts and gets infected.

Windows 10 would have this malware created by hackers from Russia, so their discovery is impossible, but the harm caused by this malware cannot be easily removed by users, unfortunately for them. Considering the exploitation method used by the malware, protection is almost impossible, so everyone with Windows 10 must be very careful about what is happening on their computers and at least not access unknown files.

Windows 10 is the favorite target of hackers because it is used on hundreds of millions of computers around the world, but this malware also affects older versions of the operating system, unfortunately.