NASA has COMPETITION from Russia to DESTROY Asteroids

NASA has competition from Russia to destroy the asteroids that come at high speed towards the Earth, here is what Vladimir Putin decided and how important it is.

NASA has COMPETITION from Russia to DESTROY Asteroids

NASA si ESA has been working for several years on the development of a system whose main purpose will be to destroy any kind of asteroids that come dangerously close to the Earth, but now Russia is also entering this fight. Roscosmos, the Russian equivalent of NASA, has a new special department whose sole purpose will be to find methods to destroy or deflect asteroids.

Russia has not yet revealed what its methods will be to destroy asteroids that come at high speed towards the Earth, but it is expected that they will try to use techniques similar to those of NASA and ESA. The interest of those from Roscosmos comes as a measure that the world was expecting, and this is due to the fact that in the next decade there are more asteroids that have a chance of colliding with the Earth, so the very great danger still exists now.

NASA has COMPETITION from Russia to DESTROY Asteroids

NASA is working with ESA on measures to protect our planet, but of course when several countries work towards a common goal, and several minds are focused on the same goal, the chances of success are all the greater. NASA and ESA have already sent space probes to asteroids to take samples and find out how they can best attack rocks of this kind to destroy them, but Roscosmos has not yet done something similar in the project.

But now Russia has launched a bid to protect Earth from the threat posed by daily space rocks, meaning Vladimir Putin could end up protecting humanity from dying in an asteroid apocalypse. A new department at Roscosmos called the Russian Center for Celestial Bodies will be tasked with searching space for comets and asteroids approaching Earth."

It is very possible that Russia will not be able to catch up with NASA and ESA considering that it started so late to find a solution to save humanity from a possible impact with an asteroid. However, Russia enters this fight because it is always possible for NASA and ESA to fail in their attempts to destroy or deflect asteroids, so it is good to have backup solutions so that humanity does not suffer.