5G networks have a DEVASTATING EFFECT, WARNING for Humanity

5G networks will have a devastating effect on humanity, according to an extremely important new warning made recently regarding their launch.

5G networks devastating weather

5G networks they are again in the spotlight after new warnings came about the major impact they will have after they are released on a large scale, and the problem seems to be quite a big one. More precisely, new voices claim that 5G networks will seriously affect the ability of satellites to allow weather forecasts to be made due to the frequencies at which 5G networks operate, and this problem has no way to be solved.

According to some researchers from the USA, 5G networks will make it impossible to forecast the weather for 3 or 10 days, and this is because the satellites will not be able to offer the possibility to correctly monitor the water molecules in the atmosphere. The problem comes because of 5G networks that operate at 24 GHz frequencies, very close to the 23.8 GHz at which water molecules vibrate in the atmosphere, the satellites monitoring it to measure humidity and provide data for weather forecasts.

5G networks have a DEVASTATING EFFECT, WARNING for Humanity

The 5G networks that will operate at 24 GHz frequencies will create interference for meteorological satellites, and as such meteorologists will not be able to make weather forecasts as accurate as in the past. Meteorologists have been complaining about this problem for a long time, but until now no one has taken it into account because the transition to 5G technology brings a lot of money for telecommunications operators, but also for all the companies around the world.

"The decision to pack an umbrella for a weekend is difficult in the near future. Next-generation "5G" wireless signals — promising faster and stronger cell phone service — will disrupt satellite weather forecasts, meteorologists, lawmakers and federal science agencies have warned. This year, the FCC auctioned off 24 gigahertz radio frequencies for 5G transmissions, dangerously close to the 23,8 gigahertz frequency at which water vapor molecules vibrate in the atmosphere. Weather satellites continuously monitor that subtle moisture signal, which is an essential ingredient for accurate weather forecasts.”

5G networks are much more profitable and more important than the problem of weather forecasts, or at least that's how this problem seems at first glance, but of course explanations will be found for any final decisions of the states. 40 countries around the world already have active 5G networks, and it will be interesting to see if there will be studies for them in which to confirm, or deny, the devastating effect on weather forecasts that they would have.

The world will make the transition to 5G technology regardless of how big the problem with weather forecasts will be, even if the prediction systems will be dated back 40 years, as some researchers from the USA claim, and this because nothing will stop the evolution, or the profit.