Facebook Messenger BLOCKS an IMPORTANT Function on Phones

Facebook Messenger blocks a very important function for phones all over the world, here's what all users will face soon.

Facebook Messenger is blocking

Facebook Messenger it blocks a very important function for the application that is offered to over 1 billion mobile phones around the world, and this will certainly generate enough complaints globally. More precisely, Facebook Messenger is going to have the function that allows people to search for other people within the messaging platform to add them to the contact list blocked, something that is not exactly so ok anyway.

Facebook Messenger has this functionality taken over from the social network itself, and this is because it allowed for a very long time to search for people on the platform based on their phone number. This practice was also adopted for Facebook Messenger, and based on it, any person can be identified within the messaging platform based on their phone number, possibly linked to an account on the Facebook social media platform.

Facebook Messenger BLOCKS an IMPORTANT Function on Phones

Facebook Messenger could have this function blocked only for those people who choose not to be able to use their phone number to be found on the platform, or automatically for everyone, clear information not yet being disclosed. Those at Facebook have been repeatedly criticized for the way they collect people's phone numbers, but also for the way they use them, so the change for Facebook Messenger is perhaps even logical.

Facebook Messenger phone search

Facebook Messenger will offer more protection for many people after imposing this change for all users, but even so, many people were surprised that the decision itself was made in the end. Until now, those at Facebook have not wanted to impose limits on how people's phone numbers are used, but the change has to start somewhere, and it seems that it will start with Facebook Messenger in 2020.

For now, Facebook Messenger has this modification only tested by those from Facebook, but we are definitely talking about something that will be implemented in the final version of the messaging platform.