Air Pix: the FLYING robot that also takes selfies (VIDEO)

Air Pix it's the selfie revolution everyone's been waiting for, and it comes in the form of a flying robot that's capable of taking great pictures by itself, all while flying in front of the people it's posing for.

You can see in the video clip above how Air Pix works, and I think that this is the real revolution for selfies that the world "needed", and this is because there is no need for torture with selfie sticks, and other the crazy ones.

Air Pix is ​​able to fly from the user's hand, take a picture of everyone who is near it, and then return to the hand, where it will land easily so that it can be reused to record other, perhaps better, pictures.

Air Pix is ​​sold at the price of 100 dollars by the manufacturer, which is quite high, but technological revolutions are not cheap at all, and this is very clearly visible at every CES.