Windows 10: SPECIAL function LAUNCHED by Microsoft for PCs

Windows 10 has a new special feature launched by Microsoft for all PC users, here's what everyone can enjoy.

Windows 10 notes

Windows 10 it is part of a special function launched by the Microsoft company for the PCs of people all over the world, it is currently in full distribution process, so anyone can enjoy it today. We are talking about a special function for the Sticky Notes application, which is designed to allow users of the Windows 10 operating system to quickly see all the notes they have left open in the application.

Windows 10 started to have this new function tested since the fall of last year in the beta versions of the application and the operating system, but in January the decision was made that its distribution should begin for everyone. The new function allows the display of all notes after performing a right click on the Sticky Notes icon in the Windows 10 taskbar, it being displayed there together with another new function that allows the hiding of all notes.

Windows 10: SPECIAL function LAUNCHED by Microsoft for PCs

Windows 10 has both new features implemented because users have been asking for some time to be able to do something like this within the computer operating system, but Americans have had a hard time with the implementation. The idea itself is very good, because people can make a multitude of notes using the application in Windows 10, and they can be quickly closed completely, when needed, or displayed to see what still needs to be done.

Windows 10 has this function offered without an update of the operating system itself, but only by installing the latest version of the Stick Notes application, which is now distributed through the Windows Store worldwide. Windows 10 had some old applications separated from the operating system itself so that new functions could be implemented in them without the need for updates of the operating system, but only of the applications.

Windows 10 will have a very important update released by Microsoft in the spring, and with it will come a multitude of other changes for everyone, some of them being slowly, slowly, revealed.