The Universe: The INCREDIBLE Announcement Made by Astronomers to Mankind

expansion universe

The universe of which we are all a part is at the center of an extremely important announcement made by astronomers after they very carefully analyzed complex images recorded by NASA's Hubble telescope. According to researchers, the universe we are all a part of is expanding at a much faster rate than previously thought, which makes us become even smaller in the vast expanse of stars, planets, and other objects.

The universe has a defined rate of expansion as the "Hubble constant", and the method itself is completely different from any other used in history to measure how fast, and by how much, the vast universe is expanding. The new method to measure the universe uses "gravitational lenses" to measure the distance with which the universe expands every day, and we are talking about very large distances with which it changes its current size, without noticing.

The Universe: The INCREDIBLE Announcement Made by Astronomers to Mankind

The size of the universe is measured by a method that involves using a galaxy as a lens that amplifies and distorts the light that is emitted by the objects in front of it. Thanks to this method, the Hubble constant can be measured much more easily by researchers, and according to it, the universe is expanding even faster than it did in the past, when the Hubble constant was measured by another method.

"n this method, the gravity of a foreground galaxy acts like a giant magnifying lens amplifying and distorting light from background objects. The results of the measurement suggested a faster expansion rate in the local universe than expected. The team calculated the Hubble constant value of 73 kilometers per second per megaparsec with 2.4% uncertainty."

Researchers claim that for every 3.3 million light-years that a galaxy is from Earth, it appears to be moving at a speed that is 73 kilometers per second faster due to the expansion of the universe. The new calculated value is higher than the 67 kilometers per second established in the past, and so we learn that the universe is expanding much faster than the researchers calculated just a few years ago, and it is very important.