Romanian Police: IMPORTANT WARNING for ALL Romanians

The Romanian Police and the very important warning for all Romanian citizens, here's what everyone needs to know right now before being sanctioned.

Romanian Police Internet

Romanian police he made this very important warning in the past, but no one looked at it with the right attention, and this is not exactly good because we are talking about a very serious problem. I told you yesterday that two young people were fined by the Romanian Police after insulting a Romanian mayor on Facebook, who filed a complaint against 6 people, but in the end only 2 of them were sanctioned by the authorities.

Romanian police a applied fines of only 200 LEI to people who used the Facebook social network to insult the mayor, but these are the minimum fines because the sanctions can end up being much higher. Many people offend and threaten various people on Facebook, other applications, social networks, or websites, believing that they cannot be held accountable by the Romanian Police, but the reality is completely different.

Romanian Police: IMPORTANT WARNING for ALL Romanians

Romanian police it can find out the identity of anyone based on the identification information it can request from the owners of the platforms on which the contravention is committed, or the crime it is investigating. You have to be very careful what you do on social networks, and not only that, because the Romanian Police can fine you at any time if the people you offended, harassed, threatened file a complaint, and in some cases the punishments can be more serious.

Romanian police it can also investigate threats or harassment made through social networks, and depending on what you do, it is possible to even prepare a criminal case based on the information. The simple use of a pseudonym, and sometimes even a VPN, does not exempt you from liability, because everything you do can be seen by internet service providers, so the data can be used by the Romanian Police in its investigations.

Romanian police annually requests a lot of information from Facebook, for example, about the identity of some people involved in investigations, just like from other social media platforms, so be careful what you say and what you do online.