ESA Launched its FIRST Satellite to VIEW the Planets in the Universe

esa satellite hunts planets

ESA, or the European Space Agency, launched its first satellite that hunts the planets in the Universe, and this in order to be able to collect more information about outer space, as NASA does with its satellite.

CHEOPS is the name of the satellite that ESA launched to analyze outer space and everything that happens in the universe, and thanks to it they will certainly discover many more of the planets that surround us.

ESA launched the CHEOPS satellite in December of last year, reaching an altitude of about 700 KM above Earth, where it remained in orbit to be tested before being officially launched to gather data about the universe.

ESA managed to reach the conclusion that all the components in its satellite are working as they should now, and decided to start collecting data from the universe regarding the exoplanets that have already been discovered, or that are still hidden.

ESA put the CHEOPS satellite into operation on January 29, and the first tests were considered to be a real success, so from now on they will only monitor very carefully what is happening.

"Shortly after the launch on December 18, 2019, we tested the communication with the satellite. Then, on January 8, 2020, I started commissioning, meaning I turned on the computer, ran tests, and turned on all the components. The lid was opened by sending electricity to heat an element that held the lid closed. The heat deformed this element and the lid opened. A fixture clamped the cover. Thanks to the measurements of the installed sensors, I knew within minutes that everything worked as planned. "