Netflix: The surprise with the CHANGE that STUNNED ALL SUBSCRIBERS

Netflix made a very big surprise for the most important change implemented in 2020 for its on-demand video streaming platform.

Netflix viewing

Netflix he also prepared a very interesting surprise with an important change that he implemented for subscribers from all over the world, and of course we are talking about what was announced yesterday in terms of movies and series. I told you yesterday that Netflix implemented lists with the top 10 most watched series and movies from the platform, plus separate lists for each of the two categories, and the world was pleasantly surprised by this change that came without any prior rumor.

Netflix however, it brings this change with another surprise, and this is because it uses the new method of counting the views of movies and series to create the lists with the most popular titles. Basically, Netflix has completely changed the way it counts views for movies and series, so that now it no longer registers a view after a percentage of a movie or episode of a series is viewed, but only after 2 minutes of effective viewing.

Netflix: The surprise with the CHANGE that STUNNED ALL SUBSCRIBERS

Netflix implemented this change with The Witcher, a series he credits as having the highest number of views of all those that have been released so far on his platform. Before, Netflix counted an active view for a movie or a series, after 70% of an episode, or the whole movie, was seen by the user, but it was thought that it is better to reduce this period to be able to report more accurate figures. large for its content.

“A person with direct knowledge of the matter confirmed that Netflix is ​​using the new two-minute metric to calculate the top 10 listings. The person also confirmed that the listings are updated daily at 11:30am PST and reflect the previous 24 hours. This means that the list represents the titles with the largest number of accounts that watched for at least two minutes in the previous day.”

Netflix it wants to show that it still has a lot of people who watch the movies and series that are released on the platform, and this change will help it achieve its goal. Based on this change, the lists with the top films and series that Netflix started displaying yesterday will also be updated daily, so you can imagine that not everything that appears there is necessarily and 100% relevant to how good it is that content.

Netflix is also working on other important changes for its platform, so it remains to be seen what exactly it will announce for users all over the world in the next period.