Apple Lets Its Employees Work From Home Due to the Coronavirus

Apple Lets Its Employees Work From Home Due to the Coronavirus

Apple is the latest company from Silicon Valley that decided to allow its employees to work from home due to the growing threat of the Coronavirus in the US, Facebook, Google, Twitter announcing similar measures the other day.

Apple makes this recommendation for all employees who can work from home, and this is because there are some employees who have to be physically at their offices to perform their daily activities, so not everyone can enjoy this benefit.

The recommendation from Apple also comes after the authorities asked the big companies to allow their employees to work from home in order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus among Americans, and the biggest companies complied with the recommendations.

Google went so far as to cancel the buses that brought its employees to their offices, so they no longer have free transport, implicitly no reason to come to work, but Apple has not yet taken measures of this kind for his employees.

Apple could take the decision to cancel WWDC 2020 as well, even if the event would take place in June, but as tickets go on sale in April, there is still time to see how the situation regarding the Coronavirus evolves, although the chances are small that it evolves for the better until the end of the month.