THE MOON: THE INCREDIBLE Discovery, The Great First for Mankind

The MOON has an incredible discovery, a world first, and this could finally explain how it was formed near the Earth we live on.

MOON FABRIC today has an incredible discovery, a first for researchers who analyze both the Earth and its natural satellite, and we are talking about something completely unexpected. An old theory of researchers says that 4.5 billion years ago a cosmic object as big as the planet Mars, called Theia, collided with the Earth, partially fusing with it, and giving birth to the planet's natural satellite, the MOON.

MOON FABRIC it would have been formed after the collision of an object smaller than the Earth with our planet, without it being destroyed, but the smaller object, and now we have a new discovery related to this theory. According to the researchers, it seems that the remains of that object, called Theia, were found on the MOON, and if this is true, then the researchers' theory could be proven to be 100% true, a very interesting first.

THE MOON: THE INCREDIBLE Discovery, The Great First for Mankind

MOON FABRIC had various pieces brought to Earth by the Apollo missions of the Americans, and following some analyzes made by researchers in Mexico, the theory regarding Theia was brought back into discussion. According to the analyzes made by these researchers, between 70% and 90% of the MOON represent remnants of Theia, the rest being elements that are also found on Earth, so the natural satellite of the planet is not 100% different from the composition of our planet.

“This story is known as the giant impact hypothesis; the Mars-sized object is called Theia; and now, for the first time, scientists believe they have found traces of Theia on the Moon. This model was able to account for then-recent observations from samples returned by the Apollo missions, which included the Moon's low iron content relative to Earth, depletion in volatiles, and enrichment in refractory elements, while avoiding most of the pitfalls of a lunar origin previous theories."

MOON FABRIC it could have elements similar to those on Earth and because there is a possibility that Theia had from the very beginning a composition of elements that is very similar to that of our planet. This explanation is the most logical at the moment, and this is because it is improbable that pieces of the Earth stuck to the MOON when it broke away and remained in its orbit until today.

MOON FABRIC so it had a very complicated formation process, but this is not unusual for the universe where we have black holes that swallow everything that exists, leaving nothing behind.