Android: GREAT news from the European Commission itself

Android has great news for all those who use phones with this operating system, here is what the European Commission wants to do now.

Android European Commission

Android has great news right from The European Commission, or better said, all those who have phones with this operating system can expect an extremely big change for the devices they own. Yesterday I told you about an action plan that the European Commission announced for phones and electronic devices, and theoretically it covers Android as well, and that's because the initiative is one with very important effects for everyone.

Android would benefit from updates for longer periods of time from phone manufacturers if this new initiative from the European Commission will be turned into law by the European Parliament. This could force all Android phone manufacturers to provide updates for their phones for at least 2-3 years, or maybe longer, and if they don't, they can sell their phones anywhere but on the European continent.

Android: GREAT news from the European Commission itself

Android suffers seriously due to the fact that phone manufacturers refuse to provide updates for long periods of time, but also fast, for their products, but the European Commission could solve the problem. Mandating all phone makers selling devices in Europe to offer Android updates for several years is something that should have been around for a long time, but even with an implementation just now, we're still talking about something auspicious.

Android Google has had a long and very hard fight to convince phone manufacturers to offer updates very quickly after their launch, but also for several years, but not all of them do that. Considering that Google failed to bring this good change for Android, maybe in the end the European Commission will be more successful, and the news is very good for all those who want to buy phones with this operating system.

Android it is the most used operating system in the whole world, and a legislation of this kind would bring extremely great benefits for all customers who use phones.