THE MOON: The RARE Phenomenon Met Once Every TEN Years

The MOON is at the center of an extremely rare phenomenon, which happens once every few decades, here is the impressive announcement coming from the researchers.

LUNA comet

MOON FABRIC is at the center of an impressive announcement that came today from the researchers who carefully analyze outer space, and they say that in 2020 we will experience a phenomenon that happens once every few decades. A comet that will pass close to the Earth this year is going to be as bright as a partial MOON, or a crescent, and the last time this happened was in 1997 with the Hale-Bopp comet.

MOON FABRIC it would be the second bright object in the sky when this comet comes close to Earth, so people would be able to see what they might never see again in their lives. The comet we are talking about has the name Atlas, it was discovered in December by researchers, and its path will bring it quite close to the sun, which will increase its illumination to bring it close to that of a partial MOON.

THE MOON: The RARE Phenomenon Met Once Every TEN Years

MOON FABRIC it is very bright when it is full, but even a crescent moon can be quite bright, and this is the level that the comet will reach as it approaches the sun. According to the researchers' analysis, the comet will reach a point between the distance between the Earth and the Sun, and this very close proximity will increase its brightness to bring it so close to that of a partial MOON on an ordinary night.

"A comet called Atlas discovered in December is hurtling towards Earth and could appear as bright as a crescent moon - unless it first breaks away from the heat of the Sun. Atlas is currently close to the orbit of Mars, but is gaining speed as it heads towards the Sun, making its closest approach to Earth in late May. While there, it will be brighter as seen from Earth because its glow will be amplified by the Sun."

MOON FABRIC it will not be "eclipsed" by this comet in terms of illumination, but it will be very unusual to see two bodies in the sky that are so intensely illuminated, and all during this year. Comet Atlas is now close to the sea, and it increases its speed as it approaches the Sun, and the whole phenomenon also depends on the resistance of the comet, because if it disintegrates, then we will see absolutely nothing in the sky but a partial MOON .

MOON FABRIC it will go through some phases until then, we will see it full again and very close to the Earth, so we will also have other shows in the sky from it.