RCS & RDS: SURPRISE for Customers, what a Message it has for Us

RCS & RDS has a very big surprise for Romanian customers, here is the message the telecommunications group published today, and how important it is.

RCS & RDS maxpak

RCS & RDS today published a surprise message for its customers in Romania, the telecommunications group trying to keep up with those from Telekom, who during this period made announcements and launches "on the conveyor belt". Now the people from RCS & RDS come with a very interesting surprise for customers in the country, and announce that they can enjoy all HBO channels, including HBO Go for the price of only 15 LEi per month if they activate the dedicated extra option now.

RCS & RDS has for some time now had separate extra options for HBO channels, but also the MAXPAK package, the latter having most of the group's channels together with access to the video-on-demand streaming platform. RCS & RDS makes it clear that it now has a promotional price for this package of channels in its offer, while other operators offer free access to HBO Go for their subscribers in the country in their subscriptions for some channels.

RCS & RDS: SURPRISE for Customers, what a Message it has for Us

RCS & RDS maxpak hbo

RCS & RDS however, he says that in this offer he has 5 channels of the HBO group to which HBO Go is added for free, so you can see a variety of content if you are really interested. We are talking about HBO, HBO 1, HBO 2, HBO 3, Cinemax and Cinemax 2 in the MAXPAK offer from RCS & RDS, and all of this together with HBO Go costs only 15 LEI per month, a very small amount if we look at only access to the streaming platform normally costs 20 LEI.

RCS & RDS tries to keep up with the competition, and this is because Telekom, for example, offers HBO and HBO Go for free for 12 months for some television subscriptions. Of course, RCS & RDS cannot offer something like this for its customers, but it comes with other offers with which it hopes to attract some of the people who want to be its customers both for television services and for other services it offers in the moment in the whole country.

RCS & RDS has this offer for a limited time, so if you are really interested in taking advantage of it, you should hurry and activate it before it is completely disabled.