YouTube bans videos with false theories about 5G, COVID-19

YouTube bans COVID-19 5G clips

YouTube, after a long time in which it stubbornly supported the practice, decided to ban on its platform videos with false theories regarding 5G and the alleged dangers that this technology would have for people who are near radio stations.

YouTube, suddenly, says what you see below in relation to materials of this kind, making the connection with the Coronavirus, the videos with lies about this virus also being banned, but much faster than in the case of those about 5G technology.

YouTube has been the source of many videos with lies about COVID-19 and 5G in recent months, apart from the daily videos with lies about life in general, and now the company seems to have woken up to reality to put an end to these practices.

YouTube seems to have finally come to the conclusion that these types of videos hurt people, something that we should have seen from the platform for a long time, but now it finally comes to the conclusion that the situation it must be completely different.

“We have clear policies that prohibit videos that promote medically unsubstantiated methods of preventing the coronavirus instead of seeking medical treatment, and we quickly remove videos that violate these policies when they are brought to our attention... Now any content that disputes the existence or transmission of Covid-19 , as described by the WHO [World Health Organization] and local health authorities violates YouTube's policies. This includes conspiracy theories that claim the symptoms are caused by 5G. For borderline content that could misinform users in harmful ways, we reduce recommendations. We will continue to evaluate the impact of these videos on communities around the world.”