Huawei: AMAZING, Donates Medical Equipment ALL OVER THE WORLD

Huawei amazes the whole world with the donations of medical equipment it made during the Coronavirus pandemic, generating many controversies.

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Huawei surprised the whole world by participating in the donation of medical equipment in many countries around the world where the new Coronavirus has been the basis of many infections up to this moment. The Chinese Embassy did the same thing in tandem with those from Huawei, in many areas around the globe, and it is normal for this to happen since the new Coronavirus came from China, and now the whole planet is buying medical equipment in very large quantities there.

Huawei donated medical equipment in Romania, at least in Suceava, where it was really needed, and the Chinese Embassy in Bucharest, but the Chinese also did this in other areas around the world. The donations that Huawei and the Chinese make are still seen with suspicion by some people with important positions in many countries around the world, and this is because of the war that the USA has been waging for some time with the Chinese company, and implicitly the government.

Huawei: AMAZING, Donates Medical Equipment ALL OVER THE WORLD

Huawei has questioned his current actions, and the Americans are the ones who raise the most questions, even in Romania, where the US ambassador had something to say on this topic. Some of the discussions regarding Huawei's gestures are based on the company's desire to "buy" the goodwill of some governments to allow it access to 5G networks, or, in the case of Canada, to help release its CFO, under house arrest there, she being the daughter of one of the co-founders of the company.

Huawei it is not the only company that has donated a lot of medical equipment, and it is not the only one from China that has done this, but it is the only one against which so many questions have been asked regarding the reasons behind the gestures. It was expected that this would happen, considering all the controversies surrounding the company, so it remains to be seen to what extent in the course of 2020 the gestures of now will be brought back into discussion by Huawei when it needs something from someone government.

Huawei has many problems caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, and although everything has paused the process of restricting its access to the creation of 5G equipment in many countries around the globe, it will continue.