GTA 5: How to Get Millions of Dollars in the Game for FREE

gta 5 exploitation

GTA 5 started in May with a very interesting surprise for users all over the world, and this in the conditions where a lot of people stay at home during this period, and they need as many reasons as possible not to leave them to protect themselves.

Because millions of people continue to play GTA 5, the company Rockstar Games has decided to offer more than 500.000 dollars for free to all players who log in at least once, and we told you about this at the very beginning of the month.

GTA 5 also had this bonus offered by Rockstar Games including in April, but then the players discovered a bug that allowed them to obtain millions of dollars by logging in multiple times in the game, some managing to collect serious sums of money.

This bug was not officially recognized by Rockstar Games, so there was no official confirmation regarding its resolution, so you can try to log in multiple times in May to try to get the 500.000 dollar bonus that it is offered to everyone.

GTA 5 remains an extremely interesting title for millions of people around the world, but of course many are much more interested in playing GTA 6, a game that many have been dreaming of for some time, but which is still delayed.