Planet Jupiter: AMAZING Discovery Made by Researchers

The planet Jupiter is at the center of an amazing discovery made by researchers, here is what they revealed about the Jovian system.

Cryovolcanic planet Jupiter

Planet Jupiter is again in the center of attention following a very interesting announcement made by the ESA following a discovery that seems to confirm the fact that their expectations were justified. More precisely, near the planet Jupiter there is a moon called Europa, and according to the latest information from ESA, it would throw water into the universe directly from its surface, something that comes as good news for those who believe that there there can be life.

Planet Jupiter it has no life discovered on its surface, and it is not known if it expels water into the universe, but the moon Europa is in a completely different situation, which shows us how different things are between the two cosmic bodies. The moon Europa near the planet Jupiter has a lot of ice on its surface, this covers an apparent frozen ocean, but in the framework of some cryovolcanic eruptions that throw water from below the surface directly into the surrounding universe.

Planet Jupiter: AMAZING Discovery Made by Researchers

Planet Jupiter it has several moons in its orbit, and Europa is the fourth largest, and the theory regarding the expulsion of water in the universe came after some simulations made by researchers. They discovered that although the magnetic field that the planet Jupiter has active for millions of kilometers in cosmic space covers the moon Europa as well, at certain moments of the exploration of the orbit it was interrupted, and the cause would be these cryovlacanic eruptions, which also bring water into the universe .

"With new calculations by a group of researchers led by the European Space Agency (ESA) and MPS, there is growing evidence that the Jovian moon releases this water into space, at least occasionally, in cryovolcanic eruptions referred to as plumes. Saturn's moon Enceladus is known to exhibit similar behavior. During NASA's Cassini mission, onboard cameras captured spectacular images of its plumes."

Planet Jupiter it protects the moon Europa from solar winds and radiation, and that's how researchers managed to discover exactly what happens there, and how water would reach outer space. It's hard to say to what extent life can exist through water thrown into the universe, but researchers want to send new spacecraft there to see what other secrets are hidden in the area between the planet Jupiter and the moon Europa, and it could have a lot of seen next.

Planet Jupiter it still hides a lot of mysteries, but those from NASA and ESA are preparing new missions with which they want to discover as many of them as possible to tell us what is happening there.